making gifs from video files in Matlab

This is an update to a previous post. The previous post is below, edited to suit the new code which runs in matlab. there is a link here to the new code which was co-written with David Solletti. How to convert and resize an AVI to gif in matlab If you are giving a presentation, and you don't have awesome videos in it, you are either a 60 year old well renown expert in your field, or you are just plain mean. Videos are the highlight of any talk, the trouble is, they are often large, slow and have unpredictable issues when it come to finding the correct path file, since they always seem to be looking for some inaccessible folder, on a different computer, often hundreds of miles away. Then there you are, onstage, the video doesn't work, suddenly you have an angry crowd of caffeine fueled scientists wanting your open your skull to feast on the gooey stuff inside.... "Oh no, Dr Christofer" you say, "how do i overcome...